Google calendar make an api call { error 403 } - insufficient authentication scopes

hey guys, can anyone please help me. i’m creating an ai appointment setter in make, to do it i have to connect my google calendar with . i try to connect them through the ‘‘google calendar make an api call’’ option but i get an error called ‘‘error [403] Request had insufficient authentication scopes.’’ i did every thing i can do to fix it but it still not working.

( i reauthorized the connection over and over but it didn’t work, i do enable all the correct api keys , i do put all the correct URL’s in Authorised redirect URI’s option, i set all the correct scopes but non of them do work, i create new accounts and repeat the process but it also didn’t work) i went to the make documentation and followed all the guide lines but it also didn’t work .
please can some body help me to fix that problem. :sleepy:

can anybody help. i’m still struggling with that error

If you want to get FreeBusy for Google Calendar, how about Get Free/Busy Information Module?

couse, i wonna take the output as an api call :sleepy: can u please help me to fix that :confused:

Hey @Saditha_Sulakshana,
Based on your error message “insufficient authentication scopes” I suppose your API Key is now allowed to do the action. Please open your Google console, find the project and the app and update the restrictions in there based on the purpose of your call.

Please let me know if that works.

Dimitris Goudis