Google Contact Creation from Cituro

I created a scenario for importing new customers from cituro to a new contact by goolge.

I think the problem is, if one value (First Name, Last name, …) is empty i got an error
Missing value of required parameter ‘value’

How can i change my scenario that its working if one value is not filled:

Thank you in advanced for your help!

Hey @Whoodini

You can use if empty function here


Depending on the solution you’re looking for, you can use ifempty.

Instead of just filling in the mobile phone, you can add ifempty in front.

{{ifempty(1.Mobilephone; 12345678)}}

What this will do is if Mobilephone is empty, will fill in 12345678.
If you don’t want to fill in the contact if certain data is missing, adding a filter would be the best solution.


Hi @Sjoerd_Tiemensma

thx for your feedback , but i don´t know how to make it work.

I tried these:
ifempty(8.mobilePhone; “”)

{{ifempty(8.mobilePhone; “”)



i tried it also with “”{{" “}}” at beginning and end


You have to write something like text and number not (“”)


Thx with a value like - it´s going. But it can´t be empty like an blankspace?

So ifempty replaces the value in case there’s nothing in there. This doesn’t change how the Google Contacts bit works, so if you instruct it to not fill in anything if there’s no phone number, you’re still getting that error. It just allows to you put in something else in case there’s no telephone number. That way your workflow can still function.

The fields are required; we can’t leave them empty or use any other symbols because the value should be text or numerical. Therefore, we can do this.