Looking for a best practice on how to enumerate all people in a Google Contacts list who’s birthday is today. Not sure which module to use (List Contacts or Search Contacts) and I’m getting confused on creating the correct filter with parseDate(), now and how the Birthday field is formated (it seems to vary).
Then, if the first work, would like some optimization: only Google Contacts that have a given tag.
Thanks for the heads-up!
Kind regards,
Steven Lecluyse
Hello @slecluyse,
Google’s API doesn’t offer an easy way to search for contacts in this manner, not even their UI offers a search experience anywhere close to what they offer for the web.
I would suggest maybe finding another service to help with this.
If you keep your contacts in sync with a Google Sheets worksheet, for example, you can then search the sheet for today’s birthdays with one scenario.
Use another scenario to keep the sheet updated when a contact’s info changes.
It doesn’t have to be another scenario, just something that’s capable of syncing your Contacts to Sheets, maybe AI could even help create a Google Sheets app or script.
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Hi there, I did manage to achieve what I want by simply List(ing) all contacts with the Google module, and then filter on the birthday. It works!
Kind regards
Steven Lecluyse
That works too!
Was afraid to suggest it in case there was a max number of contacts you could retrieve at one time, you’d have to deal with pagination, etc…