Google Doc to Wordpress


Im moving over from Zapier to Make. What I’m trying to achieve is:

  1. watch a google drive folder for new docs
  2. create wordpress post from google doc (include formatting)

I’m able to get the title but i cant for the life of me figure out “Contents” as I don’t have that option from the drop down.

Secondly, I’m wondering if this is something that’s also attainable via google sheets + formatting (I dont think formatting is possible on sheets unless its possibly a HTML pasted code)

Welcome to the Make community!

A. You’ll can use the “Get Content of a Document” module to get the document contents:

B. Alternatively, you can also use the “Download a Document” (as HTML) to get the formatting:


thanks for getting back thanks for getting back to me. i definitely want formatting (imagine a WP post without any!)

two things, when i post, how do i make sure it gets published right away instead of going to a draft?

secondly, when i go the download a doc & html route, and let the flow run to the point the post is saved as a draft - the second i click PUBLISH, my entire website becomes left justified! if i move the post back to draft - my website is back to normal!

see link

Your article body must not contain the html tags: <html> or <head> or <body> tags, or anything within the <head> </head> tags.



My article body is just text with a few bolded headlines (no html at all). The tags come in automatically from the post to wordpress automation within

my suspicion is that the issue occurs under Content = Data, but i dont have anything else instead of Data that seems applicable


You might need to process the data from {{5}} to strip/replace/remove the unnecessary formatting then.


got it. when i manually delete the data it works well.
any advice on how to strip the data via make?

You can use the “Text Replace” module with this pattern to strip out unnecessary HTML.
