Google Drive - Watch file in folder module not working

Hi everyone !

I have been struggling all day with this issue. I simply want to get the latest file from a google drive folder. The “Watch file in folder” module used to work very well. But today it did not retrieve the info. When I run the module it finishes the execution as if it is all good but the results are empty.
I tried reconnecting to the google restricted access, changing folders, changing file type (google doc), adding more access in the google cloud console, but it did not do the trick.

I am desperate I do not know what else to do. Please help me.

Thanks a lot !

Can you check by right-clicking the Watch File in Folder Module and then try selecting the Choose Manually option and see if there is any data in it?

If there is the latest data that you are seeking, try selecting from now on and save the scenario.

Screenshot from 2023-04-08 23-03-19

It works !
So weird because “from now on” was already selected, but it worked when I “choose manually” and then put “from now on” back on.
Thank you so much !!