Google form question_id problem

i had an automation it follows this process:
get name and job position → Ai create questions for interview → google make form → give a time to be filled → then check the reponse → send the Result to the email.

the Problem:
i couldn’t call the responses due to the question ID is dynamic.

the solution:

first: take the question id as soon as you create the form.

second: use get() to call every question ID relatively.

that the solution. enjoy it…

Hi @Adel, that is a great idea for the scenario

I see what your problem is.
The only thing I can think of right now is using the API call and having all the forms be connected to a Google spreadsheet. Then you could have a new scenario that triggers when a new row is created. Though, it’s possible that each form would create a new sheet (page) and therefore it would be the same core issue to “tell” the Google Sheets Watch Rows Module which sheet to watch.

Oof, not an easy one. And the Google forms API isn’t a huge help, as it’s super basic.

I actually recommend you use a different forms app like Tally forms.

But i’ll continue checking if there’s any way to solve this issue.

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Thanks for your advice.
I found a soloution.
In case i can record the question id when it has been created.
For this example; i used parse.json() to create the title of questions and extract the qurstion is. In google forms, as i am waiting for the response i used get() code to pick up the relative answer.
By the way all the forms has time has not to be exceeded.
It’s like a teacher makes exam for student.
I’ll share a photo: