Hey All,
I am trying to setup Make integration for my entire google workspace team–ideally set it up via domain-wide authorization, since everyone has the same folders/labels we want to monitor via the scenario. Trying to make it turn-key for my users, as Make will be running in the background as a connector between services.
I’ve followed the instructions for Gmail integration (https://www.make.com/en/help/app/gmail ), but not quite sure how to get beyond where I am stuck. I have the service account & Oauth keys setup (like they instruct here: https://www.make.com/en/help/connections/connecting-google-services-using-a-custom-oauth-client). But then it makes me sign in with my google account to save the information (and I can’t figure out how to sign in with the service account credentials for it) & does not pull any of the other labels it should be authorized to pull.
This feels like it should be somewhat common, but I can’t seem to find any info to help with this. Is there something I am missing to make it work?
Another question: is there an easier way to setup the labels/folder pull for multiple folders than just making a super long gmail filter with a bunch of “OR” statements? (looking at gmail documentation, it sounds like I will need to opt for a bunch of OR statements).