I have a database in notion.
In that database I’m storing simple pages with a title and inside the page content I add some text for and email or for an article.
Now I need to grab from the Database Item Id (which is also the Page ID) the title and the page content, but both “Grab a Database ID or Grab a Page” return me only my title with no access to the page content.
How can I get the page content and not only the title ?
Here is a example of the properties I can access. I have my title starting with “how to…”
Same problem for me. I found that if I use the module “List Page Content”, I can have the content but the problem is that it appears by collection/Bundle. Each bundle is a block in the page. So to have my full content I should browse all blocks to retrieve data (paragraph, heading 2, heading 3, etc…) from the page content.
So I still don’t know how to do this
Help would be great.
Had similar problem, wanted to copy whole page content and paste it to another. In the end I used raw api call (had to play with it a bit…) and used response in next step to create content. Hope that helps you a bit.
You’re an absolute legend! I’ve been beating my head against this seemly simple problem for a week with no luck, and your api call solution worked perfectly. Thank you so much for posting it!
Did you come up with a way to get next level children as well? For example, if you have a toggle or a checklist with indented items that are children of children.