How are operations calculated in Make?

Every time your scenario is triggered it consumes one operation no matter how many data bundles (items) are processed/output by the “trigger module”.

Every action done by subsequent modules (usually one action per one data bundle/item) then costs one operation no matter how many data bundles/items the specific module outputs.

More details on the above can be found in this documentation.

Please note that the operation consumption is greatly influenced by the scenario scheduling. As every scenario execution costs at least one operation no matter how many actions the scenario does, it is crucial to realise the minimum operations consumption before you schedule and activate the scenario.

E.g. setting the scenario to 1-hour interval means it consumes at least 24 operations daily only to check whether there are some new items for processing.

If you schedule your scenario to run every 5 minutes, you will need at least 2016 (60/5 * 24 * 7) operations weekly to operate it + operations needed for all the actions it does.