How can I automatically update a Microsoft Teams channel with comments added to a Jira ticket?

Hello. I am working on a problem where I need to ensure that any comments I add to a Jira ticket are automatically updated in a specific Microsoft Teams channel. How can I set up this integration? I am using the following automation I don’t know it will work or i am doing wrong. Please anyone can help me with that?


Conceptually @Med_FutureXAI, you’re on the right path.

I would add in that you want to…

  1. Filter for where comments are added.
  2. Lookup the Jira project id to Microsoft Teams channel id.
  3. Send the messsage to Teams.

@ImMichaelCannon Thanks for the reply! Could you please share a demo scenario with an example of what you discussed above? That would be really helpful.

@ImMichaelCannon Can you help me with this implementing this steps?

@ImMichaelCannon Can you help me with the above problem. and how can i get the Service URL from jira?

Howdy @Med_FutureXAI; please be kind to those of us providing free support. Like you, we’re accountable elsewhere.

I’ve created and attached a demonstration of the concept I described,
blueprint.json (329.7 KB).

Next, a video walk through.

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@ImMichaelCannon Thanks for the detail solution.

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