How can I change the sender name in my Gmail connection? (FIXED!)

Hi Everyone I am making this because I have bumped my head into a wall for the past 4 hours trying to figure this out. ***There is also a previous discussion that wasn’t helpful at all: (Changing "From" Name That Appears in Gmail Emails Sent via Make - #10 by Philippe_Billet)

But let’s get back to the problem, so basically, when you connect your Gmail account with and you try to create and test your automation your name would be by default hello or whatever word your email begins with like on this ss:

So how can we fix this?

Step 1. Click on the Gmail module:

Step 2. Click on “Advanced options”

Step 3. In quotes you need to write the name you want the email to be sent with and THEN the email address so for example like this: “CEO Rise Team”

And that’s it, I hope I helped someone because the support wasn’t helpful at all!


You are a legend! Thank you so much for this it solved the EXACT problem for me. :raised_hands: