How can I integrate Google Sheets with two Gmail or Email accounts?

I am trying to integrate a spreadsheet with Name, Email, Price values ​​in the first row, through the router with two Email and Gmail accounts, it already enters Google Cloud, enables the API for both Gmail and Googlesheet by entering the Client ID and Secret, it is enabled, but I do not understand, it cannot be integrated, it does not read the values ​​​​and I cannot send the email to myself, it has already taken me all day, I am already tired.

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Hi @joseph_79

You are not able to see the values because you didn’t run it yet. You are using polling trigger, that will run when a new row will be added.

Hence, first run the module by doing right click on the module and select “Run this module only” and then add a row in your google sheet.

Other way around is select “choose where to start” > “choose manually” > select a record.

Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make

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I get this error, I just run the Gmail module, but the goal is to automate it in my spreadsheet and then send me the email.

The error means that there is no value in the “to” field.

How did you run the scenario? Did you just run the Gmail module or did you run the complete scenario?

Also, what is the output of the Google sheets module?

Run the entire scenario and share the content of your input and output bundles of you still have a problem.

I would also encourage you to take the training in the make academy to familiarize yourself with scenarios, triggers, scheduling, and troubleshooting.


Yesterday I was able to run the scenario, the spreadsheet is not modified when I press run once, and it does not send the emails either, even though I already have the values, and today these errors appeared again, not why.

From what I see, your scenario does not modify the Google Sheet. It only watches the content. If you’re expecting your scenario to update the sheet, there should be an update row call in there somewhere.

In order for your scenaro to run regularly, you need to add a new row to the sheet, either manually or through another process.

The first picture says that your scenario did something. The red boxes indicate that the Gmail module at the top was executed twice and the one at the bottom was executed 3 times:

Click on those numbers to see what happened. You will be able to see the input and output bundles. By looking at them, you should be able to tell what the module did. If you don’t understand the output, cut and paste it here so we can see what they say.

Make sure you show them as code by using this icon: image


P.S. I strongly encourage you to go through the courses in the Make Academy. It will clarify many of the concepts I mentioned in this conversation.

Hi, I just started the Make academy
I was able to retrieve the previous scenario from the history

        "cc": [],
        "to": [
        "bcc": [],
        "from": null,
        "html": "El coche te llegara el dia 20-01-2025",
        "subject": "Enhorabuena por comprar tu coche,Tino",
        "attachments": []
        "messageId": ""
        "cc": [],
        "to": [
        "bcc": [],
        "from": null,
        "html": "El coche te llegara el dia 20-01-2025",
        "subject": "Enhorabuena por comprar tu coche,Alvaro",
        "attachments": []
        "messageId": ""

        "cc": [],
        "to": [
        "bcc": [],
        "from": null,
        "html": "La moto te llegara el dia 20-01-2025",
        "subject": "Enhorabuena por comprar tu moto,Pepe",
        "attachments": []
        "messageId": ""
        "cc": [],
        "to": [
        "bcc": [],
        "from": null,
        "html": "La moto te llegara el dia 20-01-2025",
        "subject": "Enhorabuena por comprar tu moto,Pepe",
        "attachments": []
        "messageId": ""
        "cc": [],
        "to": [
        "bcc": [],
        "from": null,
        "html": "La moto te llegara el dia 20-01-2025",
        "subject": "Enhorabuena por comprar tu moto,Pepe",
        "attachments": []
        "messageId": ""

        "0": "PEPE",
        "1": "",
        "2": "1200",
        "__ROW_NUMBER__": 4,
        "__SPREADSHEET_ID__": "1lOJN1sF5sFJRFW75Zfy93uoglT2bxaIQ5tOQwD99_dE",
        "__SHEET__": "Hoja 1"
        "0": "PEPE",
        "1": "",
        "2": "1200",
        "__ROW_NUMBER__": 5,
        "__SPREADSHEET_ID__": "1lOJN1sF5sFJRFW75Zfy93uoglT2bxaIQ5tOQwD99_dE",
        "__SHEET__": "Hoja 1"
        "0": "tino",
        "1": "",
        "2": "10000",
        "__ROW_NUMBER__": 6,
        "__SPREADSHEET_ID__": "1lOJN1sF5sFJRFW75Zfy93uoglT2bxaIQ5tOQwD99_dE",
        "__SHEET__": "Hoja 1"
        "0": "Alvaro",
        "1": "",
        "2": "7000",
        "__ROW_NUMBER__": 7,
        "__SPREADSHEET_ID__": "1lOJN1sF5sFJRFW75Zfy93uoglT2bxaIQ5tOQwD99_dE",
        "__SHEET__": "Hoja 1"
        "0": "PEPE",
        "1": "",
        "2": "1200",
        "__ROW_NUMBER__": 8,
        "__SPREADSHEET_ID__": "1lOJN1sF5sFJRFW75Zfy93uoglT2bxaIQ5tOQwD99_dE",
        "__SHEET__": "Hoja 1"

This current scenario is only in module 1 and is not progressing. I don’t know what really happened with the previous scenario, how it got synchronized, but I remember that when I did this one, the spreadsheet was not updated nor was any email sent. I still don’t know what’s happening.

Good for you for starting the Make Academy!

It looks like the setup of your Gmail is incorrect. The “From:” field is empty. Gmail won’t send the email. Put the address from your Gmail account (the one you connected with) and that should work.

The rest didn’t work because there are no new lines in the Google Sheet. Add lines and normally it should pick up the changes in the next run.

You can see that in Make Academy in the scheduling module.