How could I create a 2 days delay for an email sequence in the same scenario?

I have create a 4 emails sequence by using chat GPT. How could I add a delay of 2-4 days between each email, in the same scenario?
Something very simple to implement?

Hi @Tommat and welcome to the Make Community!

Hmmm… my first inclination would be to store the data somewhere so you could track when the first mail was sent. Then, every X hours, you rerun your process, and it checks the stored data to see if it’s time to send a new batch of emails until you complete all of them.

If you decide to take this approach, you could use a Google sheet, Airtable, or the internal Make data store.

There may be a more elegant solution, though.


Do you know how? I am trying a couple of things, but none seems to work-

I don’t think you can do it in the same scenario. Or you could but it could be unwieldy.

Here is how I would approach it:

  • Create a Data store in Make to store the data for the email runs. You will need a tructure that allows you to know what sequence you’re sending (i.e. to which email), which is the next email to send, after what time you should send the email, and possibly the content of the email.
  • Then you need a scenario that sends the first email. That scenario would create the email message (or messages—see below), send it out, and store the information in the database for the next run.
  • Another scenario would execute every 24 hours, for example. It would read the data store and check the “next send” time and see if any emails should be sent. If so, it creates the second message, sends the email and updates the data store with the send time of the next email in that sequence.
  • If the scenario realizes that the last email was sent, then it can update a field in the data store (a “sequence complete” field, for example) to say that the scenario should no longer consider this entry. This field (“sequence complete”) could be used to check which emails should be sent in the prevous step.

In my approach, you would have two scenarios, one which is called once by some external trigger (your funnel), and another which is scheduled to run regularly.

You could also use the approach I outline in your current flow and filter according to which email in the sequence you are sending.

Looking at your scenario snapshot, it seems like all the email sequences are identical so splitting it into two discrete scenarios that use the same data store seems logical.

In my approach, ChatGPT creates the next email in the sequence on the fly. Your scenario creates all 4 emails simultaneously. If there is a reason that you need to do them simultaneously, you can store the data for each email in the data store and retrieve it when it’s time to send the next email in the sequence.

Hopefully, that all makes sense. It’s a pretty high-level outline and there may be details that I’m not taking into account that you know better. But I think it’s a decent starting point.



Thank you so much for your reply. I will try it again. Do you think that there is a way to do it with dates on a google spreadsheet instead?

Uhm… what do you mean? Store the data in Google Sheets and have it parse the date? Most likely. The approach would probably be similar but you would be able to see in the sheet if it’s not doing the work correctly, fix the formula and it should always work.

If that’s not what you mean, please clarify.


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I have made some small changes, but this one worked as expected. Thanks!

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