How could I solve this error? [400] Campaign Email Contact List is null or empty, please include a valid contact list with this request

I have created a Webhook scenario. The Webhook payload is received then created as a contact in Constant Contact, next an Email Campaign is created for Constant Contact, then an Email Activity is Scheduled for Constant Contact. In the Create a Contact options I save the contact to a contact list which is in the Contact List ID 1 input box. The new contact should be saving to the specified contact list. When I execute the scenario, I get this error below. The error bundle shows on the Schedule an Email Activity. For some reason the contact is not saving to the specified contact list. Any thoughts on how to solve this issue?

[400] Campaign Email Contact List is null or empty, please include a valid contact list with this request

Hi. Send the print screens for the module for:

  1. Contact list ID in the input
  2. The error in the result for this input

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