I’ve been using Zapier forever and have been slowly migrating all of my Zaps to Make. However, there’s one Zap that seems to have a feature Make does not.
In Zapier, I can do a format of the Date/Time and define the FROM time, as well as the TO time. Since I schedule events across different states, I want them to all show up in my calendar using MY time zone as the start/end times so I can see when they are happening live.
However, in Make, it appears any attempts to modify the date/time using Timezones, always uses MY time zone as the “FROM” time.
Is there any way to natively convert a time Zone in Make so I can say Time A is America/New_York and Time B should be America/Phoenix?
This tells me how to change my time zone, but the data flowing in can come from any time zone. Thus when I parse it I’d like to be able to define which timezone the “FROM/SOURCE” data is. I’ve managed to do this with that open API I posted, but would love for Make to inherently have this built in.