Incoming Time Zone Issues / Daylight Savings

I’ve been hacking away at this one scenario for probably a good 40 hours, trying to get incoming time data to translate correctly to the outputs I need. The issue is that my incoming data (from Timeular) is in UTC, but Make is expecting it to be in my set time zone of EST. Therefore, when the time hits my first trigger in Make, it is already too far in the future by 9 hours. I could simply fix this by reversing the conversion (twice), but I would have to tell Make to convert to , which I can’t do since the starting time zone data is baked in to the variable. The removeHours function will work temporarily, but only until daylight savings. Hoping that there’s a proper solution for this, thank you so much for your help!

Welcome @Caleb_Theriault to the community :wave:,
You could try the parseDate() function in the incoming timestamp, including the Timezone definition. This will parse the date to the timezone of your Make account.

If this does not solve the problem, please provide some additional context:
→ Add the overview of the modules in the scenario
→ Add a printscreen of the mapping you’ve made
→ Add the input and output bundles of the relevant modules


Thanks for the reply @AutoPilots.
I recorded a Loom video (sorry, free tier) showing the issue in more detail here:

hi @Caleb_Theriault, it would be really helpful if you could provide the details in text, with printscreens and input/output bundels of the modules that do not give the expected results.
This makes it a lot easier for people to follow the discussion and give suggestions to solve your problem.

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@AutoPilots Thank you once again. I am talking with the support teams from both apps, and it sounds like an issue that they are going to have to fix on their end. In the process of providing them with the logs and other requisite info.