Timezone Mismatch Between Make and Airtable

Hello Make Peeps,

I have the timezone in my Airtable date field set to Eastern and I have the timezones for both myself and my scenarios set to Eastern in my Make profile … I don’t know what timezone the formula IS_SAME(Day,TODAY(),'day') is using when I search Airtable records, but it’s not Eastern?!

Thanks and stay cool,

:dark_sunglasses: S.

Hi @S_Knows_Best ,
Did you find a solution to this? If not please send a screenshot of your scenario/modules so we can have a look. :smiley:


Hi @Shawn! I don’t really know how seeing a screenshot of my scenario will help, and here you go! Yeah, it is my grave opinion that something funky is going on with the timezones and that that something doesn’t have much to do with me …


Thank you for reaching out and stay cool,

:dark_sunglasses: S.

Thanks @S_Knows_Best,

Can you also show the date data you are getting and the format you are looking for? This will help and if needed reproduce the issue on my side.

Hi Shawn: Would you mind please emailing me about this directly? (I promise to bring whatever solutions we find back here.) Thanks. -S

Let’s keep it on the forum. You can DM me if you prefer.


@Shawn … Sorry! I totally missed this and thought you guys had abandoned me! I didn’t know that the forum has dms and … A couple of hours ago, I just caught Make or Airtable mismatching timezones again!

Hey there @S_Knows_Best :wave:

I was just wondering whether you and @Shawn solved this issue.

Remember to always share the findings and solutions in the thread if you decide to take the discussion elsewhere. Thank you for keeping the community neat and organized! :pray:

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Hi @S_Knows_Best,

Sorry for the delay. Have you found a solution? I would play around in you scenario with setting variable to see what the data looks like.

Click on the module’s bubble with the number to see the data. There you should see the field with the time.

You could try to convert your data to specific time zones. I use this regularly between different software. Have you tried formatDate()?