How do I notify a slack channel when sending an automated message

I have built out a simplistic LinkedIn / slack automation, to which Slack updates individuals within a specific channel when a new organisation post, is posted. Though when @'ing the channel, it doesn’t pull through as a notification. Is anyone aware of a way around this? I imagine it’s to prevent notification spam, though imagine there is a way to do so?

Hi Farrar,

Welcome to the Make community. This is a common case, have you created the connection through your Slack user? Then you do not receive notifications, as it is ‘you’ that is sending the message.

Whenever working with Slack, I advise to set up a Slack bot via the Slack admin.


Hi Henk,

The concern lies more within the fact the channel is not getting the notification. The automated message went through to slack this morning, with the text I included being ‘@here’, but this didn’t notify any of the team. When manually inputting ‘@here’ this notifies the team.

Thank you for clarifying. When sending a message via API to a Slack channel, @here can fail to act as a notification and instead appear as plain text.

Try to use <!here> instead


Hi Henk,

I’ve tried to input though it’s giving me an error message, saying ‘Error: restricted_action (200).’ Would you happen to know why this is?

Update on the above, I’ve now got it working. Instead of the input being ‘here’, I instead used the channel ID, tried and tested to which it now works. <#Channel ID> does the job FYI. Alternatively <@User ID> when @'ing a user instead of # a channel.

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Great that you found out, thank you for sharing the solution!


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