How do i search an event in google calendar by phone number?

I am trying to send a confirmation text and i want to search for an event on google calendar with a phone number. The google calendar does have a phone number saved for the event. How can i do this??

Thank you :smiley:


Welcome to the Make Community!

You should use Google Calendar’s “Search Events” module.

Use Query field to search phone number.

More informations: Google Calendar’s API documentation - reffer to parameter q in the table

If you need further help, feel free to ask!

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Hello thank you very much for your help. I do have further questions the issue is that the phone is dynamic so I want to retrieve it from each new event that is made to send a confirmation text to each client. So whenever there is a new event made i want it to get the phone number and then text that phone number with the event details.

Google Calendar does not have a dedicated field for phone numbers. It can only be passed in the event description or event title.

So, how are your events created and where is the number placed? I assume it is in the event description.

So. If you can control how numbers are passed to the Google Calendar event description, try to use some tags, for example: <phoneNumber>+00123456789</phoneNumber>—this will make your life much easier later. It will be extremely easy to extrude it using regular expressions.

If it is impossible and the number can always be in a different place but always in the same format, use a regular expression or GPT.

If the number can not only be placed in various places but also in an unstructured form, which will be hard to extract using RegEx, GPT is your friend.

Hi @Multi_usos_DLGG

To get the phone number from the event description, you can simply use “match elements” module from text parser. See below image.

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