Next, I would like to set a variable “product_listings” to contain Title, Subtitle, Description and Analysis of all records found by the Airtable module in one string, separated by a line break (Description and Analysis should be returned in full, just shortened for readability in this post):
Title: Urban Explorer Tactical Backpack
Subtitle: Outdoor Gear
Description: This tactical backpack is designed for urban expl...
Analysis: - **Most relevant niche:** Outdoor adventure and tactical ge...
Title: Vintage Vinyl Record Player
Subtitle: Retro Music Lover's Delight
Description: This vintage-style vinyl record player com...
Analysis: - **Most relevant niche:** Vintage audio equ...
I tried multiple things for many hours but I am stuck… Your help is highly appreciated!
However, I failed in putting the result in one string with whatever string or array formula provides in the set multiple variables module. I am not even sure if that is the way to go or if I am missing something.
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Thanks a ton. The Text aggregator seems to solve most of my challenges.
However, one thing remains, I need to know how many products have been aggregated the text. Therefore, I set a variable “numberOfInputs”. Using the text aggregator, the Total number of bundles from the Airtable module is no longer within reach. Any idea how to solve that?
P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!
Module 16, at the end should define one variable at the end containing the aggregated text from module 13 and the info how many items were aggregated (Bundles of module 2).