How to create a recurring invoice in Quickbooks using 'Make API call'

How do you create a recurring invoice with Make API in Quickbooks Online?

It’s referenced here:

Will you please share the scenario you created to create the recurring invoices with make in QBO? I am not finding any information about this. I want to do this. My invoices only have one line item at this point.

Hi. The top branch is one line item. the lower branch is two lines.

The API endpoint I used is /recurringtransaction - Enter a path relative to VERSION/company/YOUR-COMPANY/ . For example: /preferences .

The hard bit was the body code for the endpoint. this is the one line code. double handlebars “{{90.PrimaryEmailAddr.Address}}” are mapped fields. It might make more sense if you paste it into CodeWriter or similar software.

“Invoice”: {
“AllowOnlineACHPayment”: false,
“AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment”: false,
“PrintStatus”: “NeedToPrint”,
“BillEmail”: {
“Address”: “{{90.PrimaryEmailAddr.Address}}”

“Line”: [
“Id”: “1”,
“LineNum”: 1,
“Description”: “{{77.Line.Description}}”,
“Amount”: {{77.Line.Amount}},
“DetailType”: “SalesItemLineDetail”,
“SalesItemLineDetail”: {
“ItemRef”: {
“value”: “{{77.Line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef.value}}”,
“name”: “{{}}”
“UnitPrice”: {{77.Line.SalesItemLineDetail.UnitPrice}},
“Qty”: 1,
“ItemAccountRef”: {
“value”: “{{77.Line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.value}}”,
“name”: “{{}}”
“TaxCodeRef”: {
“value”: “TAX”
“Amount”: {{77.Line.Amount}},
“DetailType”: “SubTotalLineDetail”,
“SubTotalLineDetail”: {}

"CustomerRef": {
  "name": "{{}}", 
  "value": "{{77.CustomerRef.value}}"
"TxnTaxDetail": 		{
		"value":	6
  "TotalTax": 0
} ,

"LinkedTxn": [], 
"RecurringInfo": {			
  "Active": true, 			
  "RecurType": "Automated", 
  "ScheduleInfo": {
    "StartDate": "{{86.bf_start}}", 
    "IntervalType": "Monthly", 
    "DaysBefore": 2, 
    "NumInterval": 1, 
    "DayOfMonth": {{}}
  "Name": "{{}}"		
"SalesTermRef": {
        "value": "7"
"DepartmentRef": {
         "value": 3,
         "name": "Recurring Transaction"

“ClassRef”: {
“value”: “{{88.output}}”,
“name”: “{{87.output}}”

"EmailStatus": "NeedToSend", 

"AllowOnlinePayment": false, 
"AllowIPNPayment": false
