[HOW TO] Enrich Airtable records with LinkedIn Data⚡️

If you want to build extensive customer profiles, manage your sales in a kanban-style pipeline or just want to collect as much data as possible, this step-by-step tutorial explains how you can fetch LinkedIn data to your Airtable records with a few simple steps.
Lets get into it!

Step 1: Setup your Airtable

  • There is actually a lot of valuable data coming out of this module that is valuable for you to store but for the sake of this tutorial I have added a table called ‘Leads’ and I have setup the following fields. Note that the linkedin_url is filled already, that is because this tutorial requires you to have these urls. For those of you that dont have the linkedin_url or if you need to also source the leads, I will make another guide soon!

  • Make sure that all fields are text format, except for the picture and the linkedin_url, these should be a url and the photo should be in attachment format.

  • I have set the linkedin_url as the primary field. This will avoid having duplicates but is not mandatory. You can also avoid this for example by using customer IDs.

  • The photo (attachement type) field is just the picture url converted to an attachment so you can visualize the persons images lateron. Watch here how to set this up! And as we are updating records instead of inserting them, change the trigger for ‘When a record is updated’ and set the field to picture like in this screenshot:

Step 3: Build your Make Flow

In make, create a new scenario and add the following three modules:

  • The first Airtable ‘Search Records’ modules should link to your Airtable account and contain the following fields and formula:

  • For the Browserflow for LinkedIn module, go to step 3 if you dont have a Browserflow account already. Once you have setup your Browserflow account, use your API key to make the connection. Then in the Module, fill the resulting linkedin_url from airtable as the input for the Browserflow module:

    [NOTE:] This guide uses Browserflow to enrich person profiles. You can also enrich company profiles with the same Browserflow module but the output is different, this will require you to alter the fields in your Airtable. Let me know if you need some help with this!

  • The second Airtable Module should look like the following, where data is retrieved from the output of the Browserflow module using the get formulas (under the gear wheel in the popup window that you get when filling the field). As you can see, to get the nested email adress in the contact_info field, you will need to use a double get function.

Step 3: Link Your LinkedIn Account [IF YOU DONT HAVEN’T YET]

First you should create an account at Browserflow. After signing up, follow the setup guide to link your LinkedIn account and get your API key. This key will be used to set up your connection in Make.com. You can take advantage of their 7-day free trial, making the entire setup free for the first week.


When running your Make flow you will see that your Airtable records will be enriched with LinkedIn data. You can also trigger this Make flow automatically using a webhook that is triggered when the linkedin_url is filled in Airtable or by using the Watch records Module from Airtable in Make.com. If you need help with that, please let me know!

Happy Automating!

Let me know if you find this guide helpful!

Remember to always follow LinkedIn’s Terms of Service and use this responsibly to avoid any account issues.


Nice @Raf what data does the company profile version return?

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Hi @k_b1 thanks for your question. You can actually see the response objects here in the documentation on the website.