How to Get Multiple Select from Array in Notion?


I’m trying to fill out a multi select field in Notion from a piece of JSON, received from an HTTP GET request. The JSON I’m getting from the GET request, looks like this:

"items": [
  "resourceURI": "",
  "name": "Black Cat"
  "resourceURI": "",
  "name": "Spider-Man (Ben Reilly)"

So I’m using an Iterator and an Array Aggregator to reduce that JSON to just the part I need, which is the name.

The output of that looks like this:

        "array": [
                "__IMTKEY__": "Black Cat"
                "__IMTKEY__": "Spider-Man (Ben Reilly)"
        "__IMTAGGLENGTH__": 2

In Notion, I’m mapping this to the Tags field of my DB, but I’m getting a 400 error:

The setup of the two modules.

In Notion, “Tags” is a Multi-Select field.

The operation failed with an error. [400] body failed validation. Fix one:[0].id should be defined, instead was `undefined`.[0].name should be a string, instead was `{"__IMTKEY__":"Black Cat"}`.

This is not a connection issue with the DB, I’m modifying a number of other properties in this same DB within this scenario.

The end result I’m looking for would look like this in Notion:

I’ve looked around the forums and found a number of similar questions, but no answers.


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Same issue here. 400 each time

Hi @Lukas,

In your array aggregator select your Notion field in the “Target structure type” field and map your values directly in the aggregator. Then you just map your array in Notion.
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Hi @loic.wiseflow,

Thanks for your reply! I’m not seeing any options in that dropdown. Here’s my full structure, in case you’re curious:


Hi @Lukas,

It looks like the module is not functioning correctly. I tried everything and I could not find something that output the right thing.

I was able to get it to work with an API call:

  • url: /v1/pages

  • method: POST

  • body:
    the call below populates the “Name” field and the “tags” field.

“parent”: {
“database_id”: “a70576f4a8074887859111a9fb212cd6”
“properties”: {
“Name”: {
“title”: [
“text”: {
“content”: “test API call”
“Tags”: {
“multi_select”: [
{“name”: “test1”},
{“name”: “test2”}



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Thank you! This didn’t quite solve it, since I was updating pages rather than creating new ones, but it put me on the right track. I wound up having to do a Patch request, with the URL:


and the Body:

    "properties": {
        "Tags": {
            "multi_select": TEXT

Where TEXT was the result of a Replace module pulling the results of the array aggregator and replacing every instance of __IMTKEY__ with name.

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Ah yeah sorry it was just easier for me to go POST. Good job taking this across the finish line. You should submit a ticket so Make can fix that module. It is way harder than it should be

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