Getting Multi Select data and writing into Multi Select type Notion Database

I am trying to create database Items from a notion database into another.

What I want is to add multiple data.

I am using search to get data and then creating a database item using that.

I am trying to use all the recruiter information, sometimes there are more than 1 recruiters, sometimes there are one. Type is Select.

If I use only Recruiters Name then it will get the first one, It does not help me if I use map. I am not sure how to populate it.


The error: The operation failed with an error. [400] body failed validation. Fix one:[0].id should be defined, instead was undefined.[0].name should be defined, instead was undefined.

In case you haven’t done it yet - maybe you could try to use “name” instead of “Name” as the second argument of the map function

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No wayyy!!! I can’t believe I wasted 2 hours just to fix this and all I had change was one single letter.

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