How to get some information about OpenAi message assistant?

In my scenario i have couple Openai (Message an Assistant) modules, How can I get this info (Assistant_id - Thread_id - Run_id - Prompt Tokens - Completion Token)?
this info is available when i’m using Completion Module, but i want to know how much token i used (input-output) when using Message an Assistant module plus the assistant id and thread id to store this info regularly to keep tracking for the cost and which assistant costs what.
is there any way to do that?

Thanks in Advance.

Unfortunately, the run_id parameter is null when the message was created via API.


Without this run id, we cannot get the usage.

This needs to be fixed on OpenAI’s end, please contact them for more information.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.



Thank you Samliew,
I’ll try to contact OpenAi.