How to handle errors on modules without error handlers

I have a scenario where I am passing info to OpenAI. It is not uncommon for me to get a 413: Maximum content size limit (26214400) exceeded error.

The OpenAI module (and similarly, the Airtable module) does not have an error handling option when right-clicking on it.

At present, if my automation gets this error, it throws the whole automation and make turns it off.

In an attempt to resolve this, I put a break module onto the OpenAI module, but this hasn’t resolved the issue.

I’ve read through Make’s error handlers, but if I’m honest the information is very clear/easy to understand, so can someone advise how to handle these errors such that if the OpenAI module fails, I can pass the error back via a webhook to Airtable and move onto the next record?

Thank you!

Hi @Jamie_O, You’re saying you don’t have option to put an error handler, but you’re using break module ? Break module is an error handler…

Can the error be avoided before it happens ? (filter with Maximum content size < Limit etc.)

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If you right-click on modules which are fully configured, you have the option to “add a error handler”. But on these modules you don’t.

I can manually click and choose a new module, including break still, yes.

I think what I want to understand is how I can get make to “ignore” certain errors and not switch off the flow if one issue arises. At present, the whole flow shuts down for all the next items. I’d rather be able to have a webhook push back a response like “error occurred” than just have make tell me it’s stopped a flow. Does that make sense?

Welcome to the Make community!

You can use a router in an Error Handling Route, with filters to different error handling directives.

Handle errors so scenarios don’t stop.

You might want to add some error handling to your modules to handle exceptions, so the failing module(s) can automatically be retried or ignored. By handling any errors by adding a “Error handler” to the module, the scenario won’t throw an error and get turned off.

Error directives can only be added to an error handler route.

1. Right click and select “Add error handler”

2. Error handlers will appear

For more information on error handling, see:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


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