How to I post a carousel in order to intagram?

The screenshot above shows my current setup. It works well and successfully posts the first four images I requested. However, I have an issue with the Dropbox module (used to list all files and subfolders in a folder). The module does not display the files in the correct order. My files are named 001, 002, 003, 004, but they are not listed in that sequence. Can someone guide me on how to fix this problem?

Hi @Kinetic_Execution
You can sort the array by name and then post.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make

Hi @Msquare_Automation!

Thank for the response, but I still have the problem. The carrousel are disorder.

My files are name by numbers, 001, 002, 003, 004… Dropbox (list file/subfolder in folder) does not list it correctly.

I have the same setup…
But my Move a File Module Doens’t work at all.
I tried Moving the Path Lower and the Path Display…
It comes back with an error?

But it’s funny cause I Duplicated this workflow from another workflow i have the works perfectly.
I’m So Frustrated!!