Hello everyone. I’m currently exploring ways to provide clients with services that include scenario building and ongoing maintenance using Make. I’d really appreciate hearing about your experiences and insights.
Selling Scenario Building and Maintenance Services
- I’d like to learn about the types of plans or pricing models you use (or have seen) to sell scenario building and maintenance services that leverage Make.
- Is it feasible to charge a monthly fee (for example) for scenario usage?
Make Contracts and Offering a Package
- Is it possible for me (as a service provider) to sign up for a Make plan (e.g., the Pro plan) and then bundle its usage quota, scenario creation, and ongoing maintenance into a monthly package for my clients?
- For instance, I’m considering subscribing to the Pro plan myself, then offering clients the Pro plan’s usage capacity plus the scenario fee for around $500 per month.
- I’d like to know if this sort of business model is permitted under Make’s terms, and whether there are real-world examples of it in practice.
I’d be grateful for any advice or recommendations regarding these points. If there are relevant documents or links you could share, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you in advance!