How to solve email webhook parameter need?

Hey guys!

My need is to have parameter in webhook email. Example: but i need identifier to webhook like this

How I can achieve this? Or is there another way to handle this?

It have to be email webhook because users create filters what forwards emails to automation.

And there will be many users doing same thing and I need to be able to separate users and forward their data to correct destinations.

Thank you in advance!

Br. Pasi

@illipasi The mailhook will also pass the sender information, which you can use in the filters in the scenario:


Thank you for your suggestion.

Problem is that same sender can send emails to multiple users who then forwards emails to the same automation.

I am trying to get away to keep multiple similar automations :grin:

So if I understand correctly:
Person A sends email to users A, B and C.
Users A, B and C use a filter to automatically forward the email to make.
In Make you want to filter based on the users A, B and C.
Is this correct?
In the webhook you will indeed see Person A as ‘sender’. Users A, B and C will in that case be the ‘recipient’ in their respective emails. Therefore you should be able to use the recipient field for filtering.


Okay I have to test this solution in practice. Thanks!

Edit. I am planning to use email forwarder to hide actual email address so that is the actual reason why I was looking another solution than recipient.