If Contains Condition

I’m trying to post some data in the body of a POST to HubSpot, but for some reason, I always get true value

{{if(contains(5.text; “?”)=“true”; “COMPLETED”; “NO_ANSWER”)}}

do if the text has a question mark we say it was a completed call no question it was No-Answer

I seem to be getting completed no matter what.

When asking your question, please include:

:footprints: The steps you have taken
:camera_flash: Relevant screenshots
:link: Any links you have
[ Code { "and": "JSON", "in" : "code block"} ]
:x: Exclude Personal Information.

You do not need =“true” in the statement.
{{if(contains("test"; "test"); "COMPLETED"; "NO ANSWER")}}


Thanks! that was my problem

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