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Ok, I was eventually able to find some answers. It’s too bad the documentation isn’t more thorough. The thing that I haven’t really seen explained anywhere is that you can’t just type operators like AND, =, etc. You have to either click on the operators in the little side menu, or you have to enter them with two curly braces around them like {{=}}. Once I figured out that, a lot of the rest of it made more sense. So here are the answers to my questions to hopefully clear this up for other people also.
Can we use “!=” for doesn’t equal? What other operators are available? = < > >= <=, etc.
Yes, but they have to be entered as {{=}}, {{>}}, etc.
Can we use parenthesis? Can we combine multiple things with AND or OR? What about NOT?
Yes. As {{AND}}, etc.
Can we use functions within an if statement? For example: if (count(something) > 1; this; that)
Yes, that seems to work.
When do we use quotes? Can we use quotes? Should we use quotes? For example: if (myfield = “Yes”; this that)
No. Rather than using quotes around literals and strings, you instead use {{ }} around the language operators and keywords. It’s sort of the opposite of what you would usually do in most programming languages.