Insert Images and URL links in Google Slides


I am creating a scenario which will have a Google Slides - create from a template module and I want to insert an image with a specific URL so the user can later click on that image and it will redirect it to the URL. Is this posible? Thanks

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Hello @Fusion_Fit,

Sorry for the late reply. If not too late, yes it’s doable. You won’t be able to achieve this with “Create a presentation from template”, but you can use “Insert links into a presentation” in the target document when it’s generated from your template.
It works differently, it replaces a TEXT with the URL Link.

Let me show you an example

I have this template Slide
You see I have a variable “my title” that will be used in the template to generate the first part
And then you see a full text IMAGE1

Step 1, I generate my target file from the template

And in Step 2, I use “Insert Links in a presentation”, and I map the ID of the generated file.


Here is my target file. I replaced all tags under curly brakets, and I replace IMAGE1 with my link to an image.

I hope it helps

