Integromat Shutdown Alert: Save Your Migrated Webhooks & Mailhooks Before September 30, 2023!

:bell: Integromat Shutdown Alert! Don’t miss this critical information to ensure future troubleshooting of your Make scenarios isn’t a nightmare.

If you’ve migrated your Integromat account to Make and have webhooks or mailhooks as triggers on your scenarios, this video is a must-watch!

In this video, Andy O’Neil, walks you through the exact steps you need to complete before September 30, 2023.


Hey @andyoneil :wave:

Thanks a lot for jumping into the community and sharing this oh-so-helpful video with us!

This is, indeed, incredibly valuable and relevant to folks who have yet to migrate. :pray:

@Michaela this video is for anyone who has migrated from Integromat to Make who has webhook or mailhook triggers in those migrated scenarios. Could you ask your marketing people to consider sharing this video? Make hasn’t adequately expressed the need to update or document webhooks / mailhooks before September 30th.
Thank you!

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@andyoneil Thanks so much for doing this video - I spent time yesterday grabbing and sorting out my web and mail hooks from Integromat. Fortunately there were only a few that needed to be confirmed and updated. A question that I had at the end of the process is should I just delete all the connections, web hooks, and migrated scenarios as well? I know that they will disappear when the Integromat platform is shut down, and I’d like to be sure there’s no ‘residue’ left over that might cause problems in the future.
I’ve been using Make since migrating from Integromat early last year, so I don’t think I have anything to worry about. Still for the sake of completion, and peace of mind, what are your thoughts on this?

I personally would not worry about getting rid of all the web hooks in Integromat. Sounds like you’ve done what you need to do and you can troubleshoot much easier in the future if issues arise.

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@andyoneil Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. Time is much appreciated.
