Is it possible to pull specific information from an email and fill a specified cell with thal value from an email?

Hi, I’m new here and so far didn’t find anything related to my issue I’m trying to resolve. My plan is to build automation to fill a specified cell in an Excel with an information from email.

A real life example:
I receive an e-mail from a supplier, which tells me that the price for tomorrow is 1.42eur. I want the automation to fill a specified cell in an excel with this value of 1.42eur.

Is this even possible with make?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!


Welcome to the Make community!

Yes, this is called text extraction. It can typically be done with a Text Parser “Match Pattern” module.

If you need further assistance, please provide the following:

  • example output bundle of the email module.

Please provide the output bundles of the modules by running the scenario (or get from the scenario History tab), then click the white speech bubble on the top-right of each module and select “Download input/output bundles”.

A. Upload as Text File

Save each bundle contents in your text editor as a bundle.txt file, and upload it here into this discussion thread.

B. Insert as Formatted Code Block

If you are unable to upload files on this forum, alternatively you can paste the formatted bundles.
These are the two ways to format text so that it won’t be modified by the forum:

  • Method 1: Type code block manually

    Add three backticks ``` before and after the content/bundle, like this:

    content goes here

  • Method 2. Highlight and click the format button in the editor

Providing the input/output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario even if they do not use the external service.

This will allow others to better assist you. Thanks!

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

Perhaps you can combine:

  1. Webhook (Mail) - and forward your email to this email address to trigger your scenario
  2. Pass the email text to a LLM (e.g. OpenAI or Groq) and ask it to extract supplier + price details into JSON
  3. Take the JSON values and Add a Row to your Google Sheet
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