Is it possible to version my APP in gitlab?

Is it possible to version my APP in gitlab?

I’m creating an APP and I would like to know if it’s possible to version my codes in gitlab or github, if not, how can I control versions, code revision, etc.

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Hi Rodrigo,
it’s tricky. I assume you use the VS Code extension. Of course you can store the config changes you make in git (both gitlab or github would work just fine), but the app itself will be created by the Make platform. I don’t think you can easily get the actual source code of your app. The documentation makes it rather clear that everything is tied to your Make account.

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hello Zezutom,

I understand your explanation, but for cases where more than one developer will be involved in the development of the app, how to control code reviews?

did any of your customers have this need to version with git?

Yeah, there are tradeoffs of using a platform that does most of the heavy lifting for you.

However, you can download source code from Make after all! :slight_smile: See this link: General controls - Make Apps

As I said before, you still can version all the changes you make locally. Have a look at the open source sample apps. It will give you an idea what to expect.

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The Make apps are a collection of json. You can source control in any source management system.

Actual deploy and testing would need to be manually done or automated somehow. The VS code extension let’s you upload the changes to make and that’s the part that isn’t readily integrated with gitlab or GitHub.