Is there a way to have a "gui' or something like it for the user to input some data and use it as a variable?

I have the Pro Plan

1- I have a Database on with ID’s from 1 to X, each has an array with information.

2- I have a connection with a Document generator called Documentero.

My goal is to have a screen for the user to input the ID, and it will use these fields to populate the Documentero connection and generate my doccument.

My problem is, I don’t know how to make it possible for the user to input the PH, and Documentero always select the first ID of my database.

Feel free to give feedback about changing the ways I am doing things, maybe I am thinking about it the wrong way and you have a better way to populate the template. If you can find a better way to let the user select which ID from the database he wants to populate the Document, I am all ears.

My database:

My connection with Documentero:

My Template in Documentero:

Feel free to ask any questions, I will try to make it as clear as possible.

Anyone can help me out?

I have seen Typeform used successfully. You could also use a Google Sheet or Google Form.


Typeform looks good, but very expensive for small uses.

Anyone have an answer?

You can use Make as your form generator, basically if you create a scenario that recieves a request it can return an html page with js where you can easily build a form and handle what happens after submission.
That is if you dont want to use a paid form builder but it requires some knowledge.


Use Google Forms; it is free.

You could get the input in many ways. You could have them send an email, fill out a cell in a spreadsheet, use a SharePoint site, use a form on your website . . .

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If you don’t want to setup extra systems and have your data scattered over several platforms, the best option would be to use the webhook response module to serve a form through Make.

A minor backdraw to keep in mind is that serving the form uses operations.

Here is an example:

The form should POST to a webhook (I prefer to use the same scenario to serve empty forms as well as to process forms).
There are several online tools to create HTML page code and HTML form code.


On your Doucmentero screenshot. I do not see where you can enter the PH. Are you using the Documentaro Generate a Document and Send as an Email Attachment module or the Make an API Call Module?

There should be a way to search for the template identifier. Here is that section from the Documentaro API Documentation:

API Request

Once you upload your template you can call our RESTful API with template identifier, apiKey assigned to your account and JSON data for the document. Our Cloud service will generate ready-to-use document in seconds

You can preview sample request for specific template inside the app

API Request properties:


document - template identifier (each template has a unique identifier)

apiKey - your API secret key that you can find in account settings

data - JSON with data that you want to pass to generate a document


format - format of output document “docx” or “pdf” - Default: Inherited from Template Setting

email - email address that generates document is going to be sent as an attachment - Default: Document is not send to any email

emailSubject - You can override the default email subject - Default: New Document - [document name]

emailMessage - You can override the default email message - Default: You will find the attachment below (limited HTML formatting supported)

emailFooter - You can override the default email footer - Default: Powered by Documentero (limited HTML formatting supported)

emailSender - You can override the default email sender - Default: Documentero


Documentaro has online forms to fill out templates built into its platform. Is that not what you are looking for?

Create Documents using Form | Documentation (


@Bioleve_Megrich, Make has a built-in form input solution. This video explains it.

If the scenario input does not work, you can trigger the scenario with an API call connected to a web form. That is also shown in the video.


Scenario inputs are only available on higher plans, so they are not applicable to all users.


Have a look at

It lets you build a Form within Make and the result goes to a webhook.


All that for 5 bucks per month - definitely worth a look.