Looking for a Make/No-Code Pro for Shopify Automations

Searching for a Make/No-Code automations pro to hire for a highly successful Shopify business client. Need to build a sales support bot, but with very specific criteria. Must be English fluent, live in the US or Europe, and provide proof of work history, as well as references.

Taking applicants now. Review our website here- www.alxera.com, then PM directly for details and interview scheduling.

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Hello @Caleb_Bartlett, welcome to the make.com community, we are a group of freelancers and can help you with the setup, you can checkout my upwork profile Here and you can book a call Here to discuss the requirements

Good day @Caleb_Bartlett I would love to assist you like I have assisted others here set up their automation. You can take a look at my Fiverr profile here https://www.fiverr.com/s/YRE2Kvd or you can also book a convenient time for yourself to go on a call Calendly - Dr spark let’s talk and discuss how best I can be of assistance

Hi @Caleb_Bartlett I would love to help you with your shopify project. We have hand on experience in that type of integrations.
E-commerce Airtable integration:

We are a small team of make.com experts and have developed plenty of complex integrations. This project should not be a challenge to us.

If you are interested we would love to help you, you can schedule a call in here: 30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | Cal.com or check our website www.aspirity.com