Mailing Address Validation

Does anyone have a good app for doing address validation of addresses input into a Smartsheet form?

I typed in validator in the new module search box, and I came up with something called Byteplant. Not sure how effective it is, maybe you can try it and report back.



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Didn’t see Validate an Address when I was looking…

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Maybe try typing Byteplant, and searching for the validator there…

Else, you can also use any validation service APIs in the HTTP module in Make.

You can learn more about the HTTP module here:

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@Care4All_Health_Serv There are many services available in Make. Use anyone of them.

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mohamed Jahar
Msquare Automation:gear:

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Not Trying to verify an EMAIL - but a physical, snailmail, address.

You need to integrate Google’s Address Validation APIs. Use HTTP module to work with them.

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I tried following those steps for the google address validation API. Looks like you need to register with a credit card to sign up