Make Global Search and Replace

Sometimes when we need to update scenarios across Make, and as it’s painful to do so manually, I use Make to resolve the challenge.

First, I have a webhook scenario that will search and replace things within a scenario. blueprint (2).json (59.9 KB)

Then another scenario will look in given Make folders within an organization for scenarios to send to the search and replace webhook. blueprint (3).json (24.0 KB)

An explainer video.


Thank you for sharing this. It gave me better perspective on my make journey.

I just started learning and almost done with my advance make academy. Looking at your example and video, I can imagine how immense the scenarios you are creating.

What advise can you give to someone who is just starting out?

Welcome @Gian_Gallegos; thank you for the recognition.

In starting out, while you’re able to focus on effectiveness over efficiency because your operations count is well below your allowance, build towards maintainability and robustness. And when you find repeating patterns, consider pushing those to a separate scenario as to keep your scenario size down and therefore more manageable.

Good luck!


And when you find repeating patterns, consider pushing those to a separate scenario as to keep your scenario size down and therefore more manageable.

This is helpful. Do most starters in make consume a lot of operations? I have been only testing ideas and I am looking for different scenarios of what others made so I understand what they are doing? Do you have recommendations on who or where to learn more use cases?

Thank you for taking time to reply.

Good day, @Gian_Gallegos;

When you’re using a few to tens of scenarios, efficiency probably isn’t a problem. It’s when you’ve hundreds of scenarios and wonder how you ballooned to 1.5M operations a month that’s when the outlook changes.

The level 4, Make Advanced course is pretty good about introducing concepts to drop operations count. However, I’ve been in positions to rethink how I solve problems through inclusion/exclusion to do in a single operation what was once hundreds.

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I guess the best way to learn really is practice and getting new use cases to work on to get better.

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Don’t forget to recognize mistakes as opportunities to learn than failures.

I am not able to open this video

@Nickk Could you please try again? I readjusted the settings and the video should be working now.

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