I love Make but I have one serious concern that has happened to me multiple times when using it for outreach. I created a scenario which follows u
p with different leads depending on how many touches have been made.
The major problem is that sometimes when I run the scenario, Make does not allow me to FORCE STOP and continues to run. It doesnt matter if I refresh, or restart my computer or try to disable it any other way within the Make UI, it continues to run. This is a huge problem because the scenario will start to follow up with people with 3rd touch messaging immediately after i sent out 2nd touch messaging.
Here are some pictures for example, you can see that in the first picture, the scenario doesnt appear to be running but it shows in the right that it is. In the second picture, you can see that i have attempted to disable and stop the automation multiple times but that it STILL RUNS:
This is a massive flaw and i am desperately seeking someone to help me figure this out so I dont sabotage my outreach or my clients’ outreach when they use me to build their automations. PLEASE HELP!!!
Hi Elias, welcome to the community. It’s difficult to diagnose what is happening with the scenario without having access to it or just by looking at the picture but you can try deleting all incomplete executions if you don’t have any scenario that needs to be completed and setting the max munber of cycles to 1 in the scenario settings
This is incredibly helpful, although I havent tried this yet, I will enable these and I am confident these two solutions should fix the problem. Thank you so much!
Welcome to the Make community!
For technical issues or bugs like this, directly contacting support can often lead to a faster resolution. They have access to your specific account details, scenario and scenario logs, server-side logs, and internal tools and resources, which allows them to investigate more thoroughly than what you have access to. Additionally, sharing sensitive information about your account or scenario might not be suitable for an open forum discussion.
You can open a new ticket here, or if you are unable to login for some reason, you can create another new free account to access the ticketing system (which is only available to logged-in users). After submitting a new ticket, you will receive an automatic confirmation email with the subject “Ticket Created” in the subject. If you do not receive this, try sending the ticket again.
If you manage to get your issue resolved with support, we’d still love to hear about it! Sharing your solution on the forum can help others facing similar problems.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.
Thank you for this information!! I use Make every day and this is the only scenario I have seen this happen to. If it happens again, I will leverage your advice. Thank you!!