One of my scenarios keeps taking actions from the scenario, even though is saying it’s not doing anything.
It’s really confusing. The scenario appeared to stop and had errors. But it’s filling my airtable database anyway? (These are the last steps of my auytomation) but it failed at step 2, before it got to that point. How can this be happening? It is saying there are no active automations running.
Go to Airtable and check is there any active automation is set by you or any of the collaborators.
Instead of Make, Did you use any other automation services to run automation?
If the scenario is OFF then this is also not possible but just for confirmation, Cross-Check all of your scenarios, does any scenario run based on a webhook call?
If still happens then share more details with screenshots.
Hi there, thanks. No. This is triggered in one way, using one form. It goes wild when I add more requests. 1 or 2 is fine. But when I add pressure and request more records (15) it just doesn’t stop.
See above screenshot. I have deactivated the sequence yet it continues to run.
It’s critical if there’s no feature to force stop ALL actions. How can I build anything worth anything based on Make if this most basic thing could lead to thousands potentially o unchecked records to burn through my credits? I saw a similar post to this today aswell and I have bookmarked it. I can send that if it helps.
Hi this happened again today, this time with massive data processing and I can’t stop it. It excteeded by 5gb data transfer limit by 10gb! I’m really frustrated by this.
Thank you for reaching out. I’m very sorry to hear you’ve encountered this issue again.
I see you’re continuing your previous conversation with our support team. That is great because they are the best point of contact to assist you as this is likely linked to your account.