Map Line Item Meta in Woocommerce

Hi guys. I’m a Pro Zapier user and would like to move to Make. I’m testing it by replicating our most important Zap, but failing before even passing the value to Googe Sheet.

The main issue is this: I can’t find a way to map a line item meta to a google sheet column. In Zapier this is a drag and drop feature. Now it seems I should use get() and map() function together.

Not clear how this is a no-code tool. I went to the academy for the basic and intermediate course, but still I wasn’t able to replicate this.

Any of you has experienced this? I looked online but I only found how to intergrate Make with Woocommerce, nothing further.

Thanks a lot for your time and help

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Hi @Bianco_Viaggi

Line items comes as an array as it can have multiple products. Hence, there are two ways to do this:

  1. Map function - {{join(map(89.array; “value”); “,” + space)}}

  1. Iterate - Iterate the line items using iterator from tools and then aggregate in desired fromat using text aggregator from tools.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make