Microsoft 365 (M365) Email to AirTable with attachments

I want to know if I can fetch outlook (Microsoft 365) emails with attachments and save those attachments to new Airtable records. I can download the attachents in base 64, but seems I need the file content in a URL format if I want them in Airtable, and I don’t know how to transform it into the URL. Any ideas that need no extra paid tools? Thank you

This was already asked years ago:
Microsoft 365 (M365) Email to AirTable incl attachments - Questions & Answers - Make Community

Hey @Info_Datasofi

Can you please share the blueprint of your scenario.

Attached as picture in the post. It’s just:

  • Fetch attachment from email in Outlook
  • Create in airtable in a table with a File type column
    On paper it should be easy

You can use “upload a file” module of google drive before the airtable module and map the “web view link” in your airtable module.


You can use Web Content Link and the link (or its parent folder) needs to be publicly available.


Thank you, it worked after many attempts :D.
To be clear:

  • I had to go through the lengthy google drive approval process
  • I configured the folder in Google Drive as Publicly readable
  • I used the Web Content Link (not the Web View Link). Not sure if both would work

Thank you @Sakshi_agr12 and @Donald_Mitchell


Hi @Info_Datasofi ! U’m currently trying to do the exact same thing as you. Could you explain how you got it to work in a bit more detail?

I’m quite new to so I am currently quite lost :confused:

Where are you stuck? did you manage to get the 3 M365 steps fine?
Watch Messges, List Attachments, Download an Attachment
if not, where are you stuck at?

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I think I actually want something slightly different, I don’t want just the attachtments in Airtable, I want the contents like sender, subject and Message body too.

Currently Watch messages & List attachments seem to work, for download attachments I get the error “Missing value of required parameter ‘attachment’.”

The google part I didnt understand at all so far. I suppose something like move attatchments to drive and then onto airtable?

This is what I get after my 2nd step.
And this is what I get after the 3rd one:

and I have message ID and Attachment ID like you do in the 2 fields. I can tell you to make sure you create a good query in the first step. I have: HasAttachment:true
and monitor what comes out of the 2nd step, which is key to make the 3rd step work.
For the contents that are not attachment, you can use the airtable task or a google sheets task and map the output of the 1st module to a new row, with sender email and all that info you need.

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