Missing the Make Converger Module? - Set Variable Workaround

Missing the Make Converger Module in your automation projects? You’re not alone. Many have faced the frustration of discovering that actual converger modules are currently unavailable in Make. The concept of a converger module remains just that—a concept. But what if there was a way to navigate this challenge effectively?

This video dives deep into a workaround for the Make Converger Module. You’ll witness a practical demonstration of a scenario built for a client, showcasing how to skillfully manage data flow in automation processes without a converger module. Whether it’s generating cloud convert files, sending bulk emails and texts, or combining data into a comprehensive CSV file, this workaround covers it all.

The solution lies in the innovative use of the Set Multiple Variables module, a tool often overlooked yet incredibly potent in these scenarios. Discover how to map arrays and collections seamlessly, ensuring your data retains its structure throughout the automation process. This is more than just a tutorial; it’s a revelation in managing automation workflows efficiently.

If you’ve been grappling with the limitations of Make.com’s converger module, this video is a must-watch. It’s not just about fixing a problem; it’s about transforming your approach to automation. Say goodbye to the headache of unavailable modules and hello to a world of streamlined, efficient processes.

Watch now to unlock the full potential of your automation projects without needing a converger module!

Andy O’Neil @ weblytica.com


Hey @andyoneil :wave:

Thank you very much for sharing this valuable and educational content with us. We appreciate it so much because this is what makes our community the valuable knowledge hub :brain:.

Keep up the great job!

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This was super helpful @andyoneil

I used the ‘Set Multiple Variables’ and then the ‘Get Multiple Variables’ to consolidate a flow to create document form a specific template, depending on the payload passed.

One clarifying (noob) question - in this context, the ‘Get Multiple Variables’ module and the subsequent modules after it will only execute after a ‘Set Multiple Variables’ module has succeeded, won’t it? This route won’t fail on the grounds of the variable being undefined, unless all other paths have failed first?

I’m just starting with Make and I’m trying to understand the order of operations when using a Router.

Maybe answering my own question here as I discover more.

The principle is - always make sure the route that contains the converger module is ordered below the routes which are setting the variables, or set it as the ‘fallback’ so that it always runs last.

Noting that the documentation clarifies what I was looking for:

Routes are processed sequentially, not in parallel. Make won’t process the second route unless it finishes processing the first one.

The fallback route always runs last, no matter which position it takes in the Order routes window.


In my context I’ve reordered the routes and set the converger route to the fallback.


Good questions @MichaelLovell !

So routes from a router are processed left to right and top to bottom.

So you will want to Get Variables after your other Set Variables have been populated.

There are also times that I will use an IfEmpty() function here also.

If the variable is empty, then put something else in it’s place.

Hope that helps!