all picked dropdown value to string

Hope someone can help me. iam trying to create tickets in our helpdesk system. (freshservice)

but i need the values of the dropdown to be in a string format for the description of the ticket.

i need the format as.
Value 1, value2, value3, value 4

but i cannot get it to work.

Hey @SeanM ,
You need to use an ARRAY ITERATOR followed by a TEXT AGREGATOR.
See below:

Welcome to the Make community!

You can use the built-in function map and join


{{join(map(25.dropdown7.chosenValues; "name"); ", ")}}

Screenshot of module



For more information, see the function documentation in the Help Center.

Module Export

You can copy and paste this module export into your scenario. This will paste the modules shown in my screenshots above.

  1. Copy the JSON code below by clicking the copy button when you mouseover the top-right of the code block

  2. Enter your scenario editor. Press ESC to close any dialogs. Press CTRLV (paste keyboard shortcut for Windows) to paste directly in the canvas.

  3. Click on each imported module and save it for validation. You may be prompted to remap some variables and connections.

Click to Expand Module Export Code

JSON - Copy and Paste this directly in the scenario editor

    "subflows": [
            "flow": [
                    "id": 26,
                    "module": "util:SetVariable2",
                    "version": 1,
                    "parameters": {},
                    "mapper": {
                        "name": "selected_values",
                        "scope": "roundtrip",
                        "value": "{{join(map(25.dropdown7.chosenValues; \"name\"); \", \")}}"
                    "metadata": {
                        "designer": {
                            "x": 316,
                            "y": 327
                        "restore": {
                            "expect": {
                                "scope": {
                                    "label": "One cycle"
                        "expect": [
                                "name": "name",
                                "type": "text",
                                "label": "Variable name",
                                "required": true
                                "name": "scope",
                                "type": "select",
                                "label": "Variable lifetime",
                                "required": true,
                                "validate": {
                                    "enum": [
                                "name": "value",
                                "type": "any",
                                "label": "Variable value"
                        "interface": [
                                "name": "selected_values",
                                "label": "selected_values",
                                "type": "any"
    "metadata": {
        "version": 1

samliewrequest private consultation

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@samliew @PierreL Both Thank you for the fast reply.

i have picked the solution from Samliew, as i understood his explanation better.

Thanks again! it now works

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