I’ve been at this for a little bit but I not seeing anything change in the board. Do I have this setup incorrectly?
Update, I’ve gotten this far the results in the magnifying glass look correct but I don’t see any
change reflected on my Monday board
Hi @Shaz_Husain ,
I see 2 things :
- You’ll need to use an additional module of Monday:update items or something like that after text parser (taking in text parser output).
- In the pattern, make sure you respect regex format. test your regex here
- In new value, just put the new value expected, no need for replace() formula.
- In text, put whatever you want to search the regex in.
I don’t think text parser does what you need it to do. and I don’t think I understand the objective either.
Hi @kudrachaa ,
In monday.com when and item is duplicated it automatically has ‘(copy)’ added to the item name. I want that to be removed and automation will take the duplicated item and move it to another board.
@Shaz_Husain , Ok that seems simple enough. You’re on the right track - instead of using Text parser module, you’ll have to use update module. I don’t know monday enough to tell you exactly which, but either it’s ‘Update column values of a specific item’ or ‘Create an update’. And the replace() formula you’ve put in the text parser you put it there instead in Pulse Name field. That should do it.
(P.S. make sure to include a space just after "(copy) ")
@kudrachaa I have it setup like this now
But I keep getting this error and I don’t really understand what it means, than kyou for your patience
@Shaz_Husain Turn off mapping on ‘Column Values to Change’ and choose Pulse Name. It’ll probably request a new value field below and will have no need for replace(). Can you test that
Hi @Shaz_Husain
Do it like this.
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