Need Help : Deduplicate Module Not working to remove duplicates

Hi Guys,

I have an array aggregator module which is giving me all the duplicate values clubbed together from my glide database

I am passing it through a filter which has deduplicate(Array) function

I need it to check the Names and remove the elements with same Name and then send it to glide.

How can I achieve this? The Deduplicate filter is sending nothing into glide.

Can someone help me what mistake am I doing?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello @Dilip,

I am not sure why you are grouping on your initial Array Aggregator after your Glide Trigger module, is that necessary?

As for using deduplicate() in your filter…

The first condition will result in nothing/null and the second condition will result in the deduplicated array, and you’re using a Text operator. Right now it is basically reading “filter this through if nothing contains something”, which won’t work.

Maybe you just need to not use Group By in your first aggregator, then use deduplicate on the output of that Array Aggregator?