Need to hire a for personal productivity someone to help me automate many things

Need help i would save a youtube in evernote/reader by readwise, and then automatically gets summarized by chatgpt and then the summary gets put back into that same note in evernote.

Also need automatic automation when i save a pdf, I use PDF expert to save PDF but can change my workflow, which ever is easiest. I care alot about the quality of the summary, it has to be detailed enough where i dont need to read or watch the video to get most of the content.

Hello @Irvan_Kolonas, I would love to work with you on this, you can book a call Here to discuss the requirements and also you can check out my Upwork profile Here

Hi @Irvan_Kolonas,

We can assist with the workflows you have described and would be happy to help you with setting them up the way you need them.

Please feel free to reach out to us via our website - Contact Us - Siliceous Solutions - World Class Support or schedule a complimentary appointment for an initial consultation here - Increase Productivity with Workflow Automation by Siliceous Solutions, and we can go from there.

Don’t hesitate to reply to this message if you have any queries.
