No Channel ID available in the dropdown in Watch Channel Messages Module

Hello guys.

I’m trying to start a scenario in Make using the Watch Discord Channel Messages module(ACID).

I connected it using the OAuthV2 method. I checked all the boxes for scopes/admin privileges.
However, in the Channel ID field, there are no available channels to choose from even though my test server has 15 #text-channels :sweat_smile:

Maybe I missed an important step/made a mistake. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you so much :pray:

Welcome to the Make community!

Be sure to grant ALL permissions when setting up a connection, because you can’t edit the permissions of the connection afterwards.

Tested working:


samliewrequest private consultation

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Thank you Sam.

I deleted the previous Discord connection from the Connections tab in Make and made a new connection in a new scenario. Granted all permissions when I set up the connection. To no avail, it still doesn’t list any Channel ID :pleading_face:

Hello :wave: I have the exact same issue. Has a solution for this been found ?

EDIT : The server I tried adding the bot on was an old server (created in 2017). I created a new server and it’s working. Too bad for old servers I guess


Yes it seems this is the reason why. I also added the bot on an old server (2017). Created a new account, new server, then tried it again, finally worked.