Notion and Dropbox connection

Hi, I would like to make an automation:

  1. New Notion Project in Database.
  2. This triggers a Dropbox action, it copy/paste a template folder to a new Dropbox location, including all subfolders.
  3. The copied Dropbox folder will be renamed after the Notion project name.
  4. The subfolders in the copied Dropbox folder will be renamed starting with the project number and followed by the standard name, example: 2501-DOCUMENTS
  5. A file will in the copied Dropbox folder will be renamed starting with the project number and followed by the standard name, example: 2501-3D

I can’t get it to work, the first 2 parts work, until I try to add the subfolders to it.

Can anyone help me with this one please?
Thanks in advance,